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Hilary Clinton Campaign, Some Observations November 1, 2016

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By Daniel Downs (2008)

A careful examination of Hilary Clinton’s presidential campaign reveals she learned her game plan from husband Bill. With the a few million dollars and a media advertising experts, Bill convinced enough Americans he was a real conservative liberal. He was not really more successful than the liberal conservative Richard Nixon. The only difference was Clinton did not resign,but then Hilary is not Bill.

Hilary is marketing herself as a centrist. Like her husband Bill, Hilary’s centrist strategy seeks to win votes from the 70% to 80% of Americans who tend to be centrists at heart. Remembering Bill Clinton actual political record, it should be obvious to Americans with a long-term memory that many politicians seeking to win an election will say almost any thing in order to achieve the goal. When it comes to die-hard liberals like Hilary, it should be equally apparent that the centrist strategy is meant to deceive most Americans. The trick is to convince as many Americans into believing that Hilary is mostly conservative on key issues.

Her air of confidence, congeniality, and superiority doesn’t hurt either.

Millions of campaign dollars made it possible for the media present false advertisement about Bill Clinton’s past. Being marketed as a ‘once upon a time’ pot smoker, the media made it appear that he was just like millions Americans who tried some marijuana. Documentary evidence shows he and his cronies were actually cocaine inhalers. They were a bunch of real high-class partiers.

In case you are wondering what’s the big deal let me remind you that buying and taking pot or cocaine is against the law. Because it was presented as a thing of past, which most people believed, it was not a big deal. Nonetheless, Americans bought the false advertising of Bill Clinton. Is Hilary’s campaign going to be any less false?

Hilary’s centrist strategy seeks to convince Americans that she is a conservative as she is liberal. If we look at the issues, it will become apparent that Hilary’s conservative rhetoric is more hype than substance. Consider the issue of partial birth abortion. Most conservatives are opposed to partial birth abortion, but, just like Bill, Hilary is a zealous defender of killing babies already out of the womb.

Hilary is also pro-gay rights. Although many conservatives believe gay rights is somehow constitutional, it is not. Gays rights are illegal because gay rights give special rights to a group whose unnatural behavior is being made equal to inherent human traits like race and gender. That is not to say the sex drive is unnatural; rather, it is their expressed behavior of it. The issue is making behavior equal to those inherent human traits mentioned in the 14th, 15th, or 19th amendments. People of different races and genders are included in “all men and women are created equal” whose rights are guaranteed under the Constitution. The Declaration of Independence, Constitution, the previously mentioned amendments, and Civil Rights Act do not mention anything about behaviors being equal or protected against discrimination by law. As human beings, gays already have the same rights as all others. Giving special rights to gays is destroy equal rights. Making criticism of gay behavior a hate crime ends Free Speech rights. Making business owners unable choose whether to hire or fire gays is to end all First Amendment and property rights. That is the plan of gays and liberals and Hilary Clinton.

Hilary and Bill are also dedicated globalists. Bill should have been impeached on the grounds of attempting to make our nation subject to United Nations Criminal Court jurisdiction without Senate approval. Also by executive order, he attempted eliminate state rights under the 10th Amendment. He never rescinded that order, which still exists for Hilary to utilize or any politician with the dream of being America’s dictator. How different would Hilary be if President? If her performance in White House with Bill is considered, her pre-investigation knowledge and documentary cover up of Foster’s death and litigation against her for campaign finance fraud casts a large shadow of doubt. It is likely Hilary would continue to drive to make America one nation of federal big government of socialism without state rights.

Unlike liberal Hilary, conservatives tend to resist big government globalism and stick to limited government and state rights. They attempt to adhere to the original intent expressed in the ratifying conventions of the Constitution. Conservatives defend free market capitalism while Hilary tends to uphold the socialist economics the regulatory welfare state.

Here is a major clue to understanding how liberal centrist and non-centrist get away with breaking the law. They believe their own lies in the process of deceiving the public. The key is belief. They have convinced many Americans that abortion, gay rights, welfare, federal involvement in education, separation of church and state is all right, legal, and constitutional. They claim many of the statements in the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the Bill of Rights are so vague, subjective, and archaic that it is difficult to know what the early Americans actually intended. The moral of the story is do not believe liberal politicians, lawyers, or judges who say what the framers meant cannot be known with certainty. The reason historical records of the making and ratifying debates exist is so that we can know what they intended.

Another issue by which to evaluate the reality of Hilary’s centrist conservativism is church-state separation. Real conservatives are not strict separationists for good reasons. One is they do not believe the liberal concoction about the wall. The only reason any one ever knew about Thomas Jefferson’s letter to the Danbury Baptist was because it was in Jefferson’s files. Historians show the Danbury Baptist Association disregarded that letter. Its use by the Supreme Court was a farce because Jefferson’s view also contradicted the majority of Americans and those in Congress. Congress rejected the idea of separation during the Constitutional convention. A second reason already mentioned is the historical and legal record prove it is another lie enabling liberals to violate the actual meaning of the First Amendment–otherwise known as breaking the law or violating constitutional rights. A third reason is that conservatives are not good secularists. They are not die-hard secularist because secularists are socialists, Marxists, humanists, evolutionists who reject the importance of religion, morality, and God to society. At best secularist or modern liberals at best give religion and morality mere lip service.

If you listened to Hilary’s responses to questions on religion and faith, she does really say much, which reminds me of John Kerry. She is the exact opposite of John Edwards on religion.

Hilary also is a proponent of illegal immigrant legislation. One of the important issues of recent immigration legislation is the blatant disregard of current law. Instead of creating effective means of enforcing law prohibiting and prosecuting illegal immigrant, liberals seek to legalize the illegal. Liberals claim it would be too costly to actually enforce the law. In a previous article, my research shows it already has and will cost America much more by not removing illegal aliens from our nation. To the many legal immigrants, liberal laws are a blatant travesty of injustice. I have written on this issue in greater depth. Here, it must be observed that liberals like Hilary seem to have little regard for law, which I know is an ironic statement seeing they create laws.

Then there is the issue of HillaryCare. According to the editor of the Opinion Journal, “most of the national press corps has already assumed “universal” coverage will both carry Hillary Clinton to the White House and march easily into law.” The problem is most do not like the expensive price tag proposed by the sin tax on low-income smokers. Many people are actually intelligent enough to see the paternal plan of Hillary is not so benign. Supposing many low income people quit smoking because of the prohibitive price of tobacco products, the $35 plus billion would have to be raised by some other tax measure. Unless Hilary and Company learns how to grow money without raising taxes.

]It is true liberal lawmakers like Hilary have the right to levy taxes. The question is do they have the levy taxes for the the good of the poor and not for all Americans. No such right is enumerated in the Constitution. The power to levy taxes on the poor to pay for health benefits of the richer is not either, but then neither is universal health care. In fact, the economic rights presumed by liberal welfare state are not found in the Constitution. Those issues were intentional left to the states under the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Hilary Clinton’s campaign rides on the waves centrist rhetoric and a shredded Constitution, but then so do most Democrats. Maybe that is the reason so many Americans find politics so distasteful. Resisting the tides of lawless disregard for the Supreme law of the land is not exactly gourmet.

Has her campaign changed since 2008?

On Trump’s Love of Nuclear War October 31, 2016

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I came across an article by FactCheck.org that reveals the disinformation about Donald Trump’s supposed irrational love of war and enthusiasm for nuclear war. Here is a link:   www.factcheck.org/2016/06/ad-suggests-trump-loves-nuclear-war


A Father’s View of Trump October 31, 2016

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I came across a very interesting blog post by a father who focuses on explaining why he supports Donald Trump for President. Here is a link.

Trump’s Sleaze Clubs October 30, 2016

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By Daniel Downs

On the internet, in advertisements, and during campaign debates, there is much hype about Trump building and owning a bunch of strip clubs. However, Trump does not own any strip clubs, but he used to own a number of hotels one of which that housed a strip club.

According to Wikipedia, Trump purchased Hilton Inn’s Casino Hotel in Atlantic New Jersey and renamed Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino in 1984. A year later, he bought a nearly-completed Atlantic City hotel and casino property at the Atlantic marina from Hilton Hotels, which was later renamed Trump Marina. In 1988, he bought out Mervin Griffin’s shares in the uncompleted Taj Mahal. Trump completed the project in 1990. In the meantime Trump opened a casino in Gary Indiana. In 1996, he opened Trump’s World Fair that was annexed to the Trump Plaza. His publicly traded hotel and casino corporation took over management of Coachella California’s Spot Light 29 casino. After this, Trump’s hotel and casino business began to decline.

How many of these hotels and casino housed strip clubs? I found only one permitting a strip club was the Taj Mahal, which apparently leased space to Scores. And, for perspective, Taj Mahal also leased space to restaurants Dynasty, Il Mulino New York, Moon at Dynasty, Robert’s Steakhouse, and Hard Rock Cafe.

That hardly makes Trump a sleazy merchant or a corrupt real estate mogul.

Why the Supreme Court Ruled in Favor of Gay Marriage June 29, 2015

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By Daniel Downs

By now, everyone has heard about the 5-4 decision of the Supreme Court in favor of gay marriage. That is supposed to mean every state must permit marriage of gays.

Why did the Supreme Court decide in favor of gay marriage? It’s true the judges who voted for it are proponents of the liberal left agendas. Their reasoning is in lockstep with progressive views and interpretations of law. But, the real justification for deciding in favor of gay marriage was state courts bans of state constitutional law on marriage. Until 2014, gay marriage proponents didn’t have a majority of states. Gay marriage was legal in only 17 states. In 2014, twenty state and federal courts ruled against state constitutional law that prohibited gay marriage is one way or another. This was the part of the Supreme Court’s political strategy. Once the Supreme Court gave its tactic approval of same-sex marriage by rejecting five state appeals regarding federal and state court decisions, the onslaught of cases resulting in overturning voter approved constitutional law on marriage.

The Supreme Court has presented the challenge to the people of all states to rise up and defy their national dictate by convincing their state and Congressional representatives to enact constitutional on marriage. In other words, gays and the Supreme Court are telling the American people to make nature’s law of one male and one female sex-partner in marriage, procreation and family the law of the land.

For more information, read the following reports:
Supreme Court rules gay couples nationwide have right to marriage, Washington Post, June 26, 2015.
How 2014 was the beginning of the end for the gay marriage fight, National Journal, December 17, 2014.
Same-Sex Marriage in the United States, Wikipedia.
Same-Sex Marriage, State by State, Pew Forum, June 26, 2015.

South Carolina Shooting in Global Perspective June 28, 2015

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by Daniel Downs

Why did the young man who gunned down nine black Christians at the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina? According to a recent Fox News report, he believes blacks are taking over the world. Having acculturated himself in neo-Nazism, Ku Klux Klan history, and other radical viewpoints, he may have seen the success of various successful black people in entertainment, music, business and politics including Pres. Obama as the decline of white race. However, Black people enjoying success should be applauded not seen as threat. The potential demise of the white race is a demographic issue. The western white reproductive rate has been below the sustainability threshold for many years.

On a larger scale, Muslim accusation of a Jewish conspiracy to take-over the world continues to inspire anti-Semitism around the world. Before the revolutions in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia’s state news paper was publishing the same accusations.

The fear of world domination by white people originated with Western elites and has in many ways succeeded. An article in the Salon points to evidence rooted in post-World War II the development of Nato, European Union, World Bank, United Nation, and similar international institutions. There influence and control has made success possible.

Whether today’s jihadists (ISIS) are reacting to a perceived threat of world domination of the Jews or the obvious success of Western control or both, they are showing how Islam may take-over the world to achieve the goal of converting all infidel people in all nations, establishing the Caliphate, and ushering in the end-time Imam/Messiah. (See interview of ISIS fighter in Rudaw and ISIS’s 5-Year Plan for world domination in the Daily Mail.)

What all of the above have in common is the fear of a world dictator whether black, White, Jew or Muslim. If one were to dig deeper, the respective group’s Messiah always turns out to be a global dictator. The only difference among religious and secular versions (Alexander the Great, Stalin, Lennin, Mao, Hitler, etc.) is whether a Messiah is to come or the Messiah has arrived.

In whatever way globalism and related movements produce a world dictator (anti-Christ), Christians believe the Jewish Messiah, Jesus, will return and through him God will establish His reign on earth. A type of societal reboot to a truly just and free society once again based on redemptive justice and divine rule, something human beings continue to prove they are incapable of accomplishing. In the meantime, Christianity seeks to accomplish its commissioned goals of making all people disciples of their Lord and Messiah and assisting all nations become conforming members of God’s kingdom now. This they do not by violence or political control (although Christianity attempted it during the Middle Ages) but by acts of kindness, missions of mercy, works of justice, godly counsel, testimony and evidence of divine power, and education in the ways and moral laws of Christ and God.

Christmas: Promise and Purpose December 19, 2013

Posted by Daniel Downs in Christmas, family, marriage.
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By Daniel Downs

Christmas is a multifaceted story about real events wrapped in two narratives. The two narratives are found in the gospels of Matthew and Luke. Like a new train and its track, these two narratives are part of one colorfully packaged gift given to humanity by God. Together they show the meaning of Christmas.

Some scholars and teachers rightly say the reason for the season is God’s love, peace, and forgiveness of sin.

The first gospel begins with teen pregnancy. Yes, it’s true the Hebrew word translated virgin actually means young woman or teen girl. It’s equally true that in ancient Jewish culture teenage girls were expected to marry and then bear children. Out-of-wedlock pregnancies were as unlawful as immoral. The social stigmatism would have been as illiberal as Scarlet Letter puritanism. Just as a barren wife, a young unwed mother would have experienced the discriminating scorn of a religious society. Therefore, it is reasonable to interpret the transliterated Hebrew word almah as virgin (Mt. 1:23; Isa. 7:14).

Rabbinical literature originating in Babylonia portrays young Mary as mistress of a Roman soldier. Whether because of sinful consent, seduction or rape, Mary’s pregnancy was conceived by rabbis opposed to the gospel message as adulterated sin. The Palestinian view, as scholars call it, is considerably different. It lacked any negative diatribes against Mary or her son. Just as the Palestinian Talmud reflects its local context, the two gospel narratives were rooted in local events and daily life in Judea and Samaria.

We also will find the meaning of Christmas grounded in the same geographical, cultural, ideological, and historical situation of then current events.

While reading our two narrative gifts, two bright themes twinkle like lights reflecting off shinny wrappings. Those themes are promise and purpose. As if sitting prominently under a Christmas tree, the two themes are wrapped with bright colorful interpretations of unfolding events. Those events appear to be fulfillment of promises made by God through even more ancient prophets. As such, they reveal as well as affirm the purpose of God.

For example, the gospel of Matthew begins the story of Jesus’ birth with marriage. “Mary has been betrothed to Joseph…her husband (1:18, 19). In ancient Jewish culture, engagement was regarded as the beginning of a marriage. While Joseph was thinking about divorcing her, an angel told him to keep his wife because her pregnancy was God’s doing (1:19-20). Why would God do such a thing? The angel continued telling Joseph that Mary’s son would save his people. At that time, most Israelis were expecting a Messiah that would deliver them from the oppressive rule of the Roman Empire and puppet kings like Herod. That was not God’s purpose. Jesus was adopted and formed in the womb of Joseph’s virgin wife to save his people from their sins (1:20-21). This was seen by ancient writers like Matthew as fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy about the Messiah (1:20-21; Isa. 7:14). As evident in writings like Psalms of Solomon, 1 Enoch, and Dead Sea Scrolls, the Messiah of David would represent the holy presence of God and lead all Jews into sinless living. In fact some believed the law would pass away when the true Messiah began to reign. For the law not to be needed meant all had to live holy lives at all times. Being capable of doing so meant the Messiah had to be as holy and sinless as those he would make holy or sinless. That is what the name “Immanuel” or “God with us” meant to those same ancient people.

If we trace the biblical history of God’s redemption, God chooses marriage and family as part of the means to its end.

The purpose of marriage is narrated in Genesis (2:18-25). After their moral crime, Adam and Eve were given a promised future in which God’s purpose would continue. Adam and Eve would create a society of families who would make God’s creation productive and who would overcome temptation and immorality (Gen. 3). It was for married society that God offered the first animal sacrifice in order to cover the naked guilt and shame of the first traditionally married couple. The clothing also served to minimize temptation (Gen. 3:21-23). Nevertheless, sibling rivalry and sexual perversion motivated by jealousy and lust followed (Gen. 4:1-24). One result was the rise of the first walled urban city, according to archaeology. Beginning with Adam’s grandson, the descendants of Adam began seeking God’s redemption (Gen. 4:25-26). Why? Because human decadence also continued until it dominated society. This was followed with the family of Noah being saved from the flood as well as the continuation the covenant of redemption that began with Adam (Gen. 6-8 & 9-10). The fulfillment of God’s redemptive purpose was given greater specificity with the family of Abraham. Through this family, God promised to bless the entire world (Gen. 12-17). At the same time, the sterile couple, Abraham and Sarah, was promised a son, Isaac, through whom the promise would be fulfilled in history (Gen. 15, 18). Yet, the promise was The same could be said about the family of David and the promised Messiah (2 Sa. 7:12-16; Rom. 1:1-4). Not only through a specific descendant of David would Israel’s redemption be realized but all people across the globe would have access to it as well. With the virgin birth of Jesus, the promised redemption began to be fulfilled.

As we have seen, God chose a young married couple to bring His adopted son into the world. The fact that an angel visibly announced God’s adoptive purpose for Jesus’ life before his conception gave them a solemn mission of parenting. Their purpose was to raise God’s son to fulfill his life purpose—the salvation of Israel as well as rule of the kingdom (Lk. 1: 32-33). All of this was affirmed first by the priestly shepherds who were told by a host of angels that the salvation this new born King would bring was for all people (Lk. 2:10-14). Further affirmation came at Jesus’ dedication by the temple priest Simeon (Lk. 2:21-32). Simeon again affirmed that Jesus was salvation for both Jews and gentiles according to Isaiah 49:5-6. Finally, the ambassadors of Parthia, the Magi, came escorted by a military regiment to pay homage to the newly born Messiah (Mt. 2:1-6). Consequently, Mary and Joseph were parents with a holy mission to deliver God’s gift of salvation holy and sinless for both Israel and the world. They had godly relatives and friends as well as a culture defined by God’s word (however tainted by sin and the influence of Rome’s presence) to assist them.

This was God’s Christmas gift to all people for all times. Jesus’ parents wrapped him in a Hanukkah candle wick because God wanted all people to see that His son is true light of the world (Lk. 2:12-14). While his destiny was to suffer the shame and judgment for all sins of all people on the cross and in hell, God saw the fulfillment of his redemptive purpose advance toward final fulfillment (Isa. 53). Having fully satisfied divine justice, God raised His son from hell, from death’s tomb, and from the rejection of ignorant men. And, by lifting His son up to His side in heaven, the light of His peace, grace, and holy life forever shines for all to behold and embrace. God’s just forgiveness, His presence and empowerment, and His acceptance are continually held out by our gentle risen Shepherd and Lord Jesus. The gift only has to be received and lived. When all parents and their children do, society will finally realize the common good of God’s will. Then peace will then reign on earth.