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Exit poll shows most US Jews, half of Christians voted for Obama November 5, 2008

Posted by Daniel Downs in news, presidential election.
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Preliminary exit polling has shown that 78% of American Jews cast their ballots for winning Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama in Tuesday’s national elections, while Republican challenger Sen. John McCain received only 22% of the Jewish vote. The margin was slightly higher than Democrat John Kerry secured over George Bush in the 2004 race for the White House (74% to 26%). This year, the traditional American Jewish voting pattern of supporting Democrats stands in stark contrast to Jews living in Israel, where several recent polls indicated Israelis preferred McCain by a 20-point margin. Meanwhile, the number of voters who identified themselves as Christians in an MSNBC exit poll totaled 81%, with 45% of Protestants and other Christians and 54% of Catholics saying they voted for Obama.

Source: Wikipedia & ICEJ

NY Times Is Setting Up Sarah October 31, 2008

Posted by Daniel Downs in conservative, John McCain, media bias, news, politics, presidential election, Sarah Palin.

By Don Feder, Boycott The New York Times

In this campaign, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is easily The New York Times’ favorite target.

John McCain’s running mate represents everything the mainstream media despise – pro-life, pro-family, pro-traditional marriage and anti-big government.

Once upon a time (before he secured the GOP nomination), The Times actually liked McCain, and called him a “maverick,” its term of endearment for Republican lawmakers. Sarah Palin it could never like, even if she was running against Gen. Pinochet.

The Times’ latest Palin hit is a “news story” in today’s paper, the gist of which is that his running mate is a major liability for McCain.

The Times: “All told, 59% of voters surveyed said Mrs. Palin was not prepared for the job [of vice president], up nine percentage points since the beginning of the month. Nearly a third of voters polled said the vice-presidential selection would be a major factor influencing their vote for president…”

This is based on The New York Times’ own survey (Oct. 26-29) – surprise, surprise! – conducted with CBS News. Its accuracy may be judged by the fact that of all recent polls it shows the greatest gap between Obama and McCain (51% to 40%). A Zogby poll taken at the same time showed McCain and Obama only 2 points apart (47% to 49%). The latest Rasmussen poll has the candidates separated by 5 points, versus 9 points in The Times/CBS News poll.

That aside, nobody votes for a presidential candidate based on his running mate, regardless of what they tell pollsters.

The Times is setting up Sarah Palin. If McCain loses, the paper will blame Palin and McCain’s focus on the Obama/Ayers connection, which the paper claims is a foray “into the dark territory of race-baiting and xenophobia” (in an October 7 editorial).

That The New York Times will do anything to bring down Sarah Palin tells you everything you need to know about the conservative champion.

Philip Berg Filing Injunction to Stay Presidential Election October 30, 2008

Posted by Daniel Downs in Berg v Obama, law, news, politics, presidential election, Supreme Court.

Philip J. Berg, Esquire, the Attorney who filed suit against Barack H. Obama challenging Senator Obama’s lack of “qualifications” to serve as President of the United States, announced today that he will be at the United States Supreme Court today, October 30, 2008 to file:

  1. Application to Justice Souter for an Immediate Injunction to Stay the Presidential Election of November 4, 2008; and
  2. Writ of Certiorari.

Berg stated, “I am hopeful that the U.S. Supreme Court will grant the Injunction pending a review of this case to avoid a Constitutional Crisis by insisting that Obama produce certified documentation that he is or is not a “natural born” citizen and if he cannot produce documentation that Obama be removed from the ballot for President.

Berg’s case, Berg vs. Obama was dismissed from the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Docket # 08-cv-4083 for lack of standing. This is a question of who has standing to uphold our Constitution. If I don’t have standing, if you don’t have standing, if your neighbor doesn’t have standing to question the eligibility of an individual to be President of the United States – the Commander-in-Chief, the most powerful person in the world – then who does?

What happened to ‘…Government of the people, by the people, for the people,…’ Abraham Lincoln in his Gettysburg Address 1863.

We must legally prevent Obama, the unqualified candidate, from taking the Office of the Presidency of the United States,” Berg said.

Berg again stressed his position regarding the urgency of this case as, “we” the people, are heading to a “Constitutional Crisis” if this case is not resolved forthwith.

* * For copies of all Court Pleadings, go to obamacrimes.com

What is Obama and His Campaign All About? October 28, 2008

Posted by Daniel Downs in Barak Obama, campaign finance, Islam, John McCain, Middle East, news, politics, presidential election.
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by Paul Eidelberg

In Obama Unmasked (2008), Floyd Brown & Leo Troxler raise the question, “Why is Obama trying so hard to deny that he was born a Muslim?” As his middle name Hussein implies, Barack Obama is a Muslim under Islamic law because his father was a Muslim, for descent in Islam is patrilineal.

Although his professed conversion to Christianity makes him an apostate subject to death under Islamic law, Muslims nonetheless support Obama overwhelmingly. These Muslims include Islamofascists and terrorist organizations such as Hamas and Hezballah. In fact, jihadists have contributed to Obama’s campaign funding.

This funding troubles New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd, despite for her liberal-left reputation. In her op-ed piece of June 29, 2008, Dowd states she was informed by one of Obama’s campaign internet workers that his internet campaign raised some $200 million. That, she says, is more then twice the total amount raised by any candidate in history.

Dowd asks, “Where was this money coming from?” According to Dowd, one of the web site security monitors began to notice that the bulk of the contributions were coming in from overseas internet service providers. Although the security monitors were not able to track most of the sources, they were able to trace contributions from a few credit card accounts and bank electronic funds in Saudi Arabia, Iran, and other Middle Eastern countries. These donations, she says, were very likely coming from sources other than American voters. Obama’s campaign people claimed that “none of these donations violated campaign financing laws.”

Dowd nonetheless asks, “Is it right for foreign investors to help decide who will be our next president?” Indeed, given Obama’s Muslim background and substantial funding from Muslim sources, a serious voter should be worried about Obama’s intellectual independence or integrity.

Consider his insistence on negotiating with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad without preconditions, even though this Muslim ruler calls for a world without America and Israel. Never mind that five years of American and European negotiations with Iran have only given that despotic regime five additional years to develop nuclear weapons. Couldn’t Obama bring himself to state, as a precondition, that Ahmadinejad must renounce his genocidal ambition to wipe Israel off the map, a threat that violates international law?

And what about Ahmadinejad’s saying “death to America”? Surely any patriotic or self-respecting American would insist that Ahmadinejad apologize for such outrageous statements. Strange that Senator McCain and Governor Plain failed to take their opponents to task for this obvious lack of honor.

I wonder whether the honorable senator from Illinois would approve of negotiating with Hitler without preconditions? Comparing Hitler and Ahmadinejad is not hyperbole. Iran used thousands of its own children to walk through and explode minefields in the Iran-Iraq war.

Allow me to juxtapose Islam’s denial of human rights and Obama’s vote against the “Born Alive Infant Protection Act.” This act is intended to protect an infant that is actually born during an abortion procedure. To put it bluntly, Obama voted to kill the baby—something not even Hillary Clinton and Ted Kennedy voted for!

Returning to campaign financing: Brown and Troxler report that the AFL-CIO and its affiliates have raised an unprecedented $250 million to put 200,000 union workers to campaign for Obama. No wonder: Obama supports unionization of businesses with less than twenty employees. He also voted NO on extending the tax cuts on capital gains and dividends. And he supported subprime mortgages that led to the collapse of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and the current economic crisis.

Obama is playing the “poor man’s” card, while he receives incalculable support from billionaire George Soros. With only one appearance, he raised $18 million from Hollywood movie stars, 95 percent of whom are leftstream.

Obama is also playing the “race” or guilt card. Countless Americans, especially the liberal-left, feel guilty about the injustices suffered by the black race—boatloads of whom were sold into slavery by Muslims and even by their own people. Voting for Obama, “liberals” feel, will absolve them of guilt or of any accusation of racism. To erase the stain of racism, these liberals are now applying affirmative action programs to Obama’s bid for the presidency regardless of whether he is qualified for the most important and complex office on this planet.

Liberals do not see that their pro-Obama attitude is not only an extension of affirmative action programs, but that those programs are really racist! After all, what is racism if not judging and treating people not according their intellectual and moral character, but by the color of their skin?

Geraldine Ferraro said, “If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position” Ferraro was Walter Mondale’s vice-presidential running mate for the Democratic Party in 1984.

Obama is also playing: the “image” card despite his associations with questionable public figures. His youth and glibness, together with his being half black and half white, trumps his having had anti-American tutors such as black nationalist Rev. Jeremiah Wright and communist Saul Alinsky. Such associations do not alienate self-hating American multiculturalists of the liberal-left. Obama’s attraction to anti-Americans means nothing to youth ignorant of the American heritage, which has made America the most powerful and beneficent nation on earth. Obama is a novelty, mystifying, for democracy’s bored and impressionable youth.

Obama has cleverly translated the novelty and audacity of his candidacy into campaign slogans: CHANGE and YES WE CAN. How appropriate—since change and cheek flourish the further democracies are removed in time from the aristocratic and religions traditions.

What do Obama and his adulators know about a living tradition, one that reconciles permanence and change, that unites reverence for the past and creativity, national pride and progress?

Like contemporary liberals and all-too-many self-styled conservatives, he disdains conservatives like Justice Clarence Thomas who subordinates himself to the Constitution, which cannot be revered as the nation’s fundamental law if it changes with every generation. Unlike Mr. Justice Thomas or that other great American, Thomas Sowell, Obama regards the Constitution as mere wax on which the majority can stamp its transient prejudices, which can only deprive youth of national purpose and identity. Given the idolatry of CHANGE, is it any wonder that youth are preoccupied with fads and steeped in hedonism? How can it be otherwise when so many universities propagate moral relativism and thus teach nothing of human excellence or greatness—yes, and when so many academics, including mentors of Obama, spew anti-Americanism?

These academics take civilization for granted. They forget how much virtue and sacrifice are required to build civilization and prevent its relapse into barbarism. Raised in a consumer or self-indulgent society, today’s crop of liberals cannot face the reality of Islamic penetration of the United States. A thousand mosques preach hatred of America and Jews, and these liberals hardly blink. They are not disturbed by the growing network of jihadists, including Hezballah sleeper cells, now dotting America. They cannot imagine how Muslims throughout the world would exult and be incited to greater violence if the Crescent and the Sword flew over eastern Jerusalem, as Obama advocates and without a word of criticism from McCain and Palin.

The word “Islam” has yet to appear in the campaign debates. This can hardly be attributed to the economic crisis. True, this crisis distracts U.S. decision-makers from America’s most lethal enemy, Iran, the epicenter of Islamic terrorism.

Judging from his rhetoric, Obama does not comprehend the enormous danger posed by a nuclear-armed Iran. He does not see that Iran’s proxy, Hezballah, defeated Israel in the Second Lebanon War—Israel, the most powerful nation in the Middle East. He does not see that Israel’s defeat was largely the result of irresolute and inexperienced leadership. Neither Israel nor the United States has seen the full consequences of the Lebanon fiasco. Perhaps this will only come to light if Obama enters the White House. This he may well do if Senator McCain and Governor Palin fail to reveal what Obama is really about, and this will require them to be teachers of what America is all about, beginning with America’s Founding Fathers

Prof. Paul Eidelberg is founder and president of the Foundation for Constitutional Democracy. In 1976, he joined the faculty of Bar-Ilan University where he taught political science. Before that time, he served as first lieutenant in the United States Air Force, and earned his doctoral degree at the University of Chicago, and wrote a trilogy on America’s founding fathers: The Philosophy of the American Constitution, On the Silence of the Declaration of Independence, and a Discourse on Statesmanship. Since then, he has written over 1,000 articles, policy papers, and books on Israeli, European, and American politics.

Obama Campaign Ends: Federal Judge Orders DNC To Remove Obama From All Ballots October 23, 2008

Posted by Daniel Downs in Barak Obama, Constitution, Democrats, law, news, politics, presidential election, truth, U.S. District Court.

After reviewing evidence presented by Attorney Philip Berg, US District Court Judge Honorable R. Barry Surrick has ruled that Barak Hussein Obama was not a “natural born” or “naturalized” citizen and is ineligible to run for and/or serve as President of the United States.

Judge Surrick then ordered the Democratic National Committee to cease all campaign activity on behalf of their candidate for President. He further ordered Obama be removed from all election ballots.

Before jumping to conclusions, the civil action brief of Attorney Berg begins by identifying himself as a life-long Democrat who is proud of his party. It cannot be said that Berg is a right-wing zealot grasping at any accusation to prevent the oppositional party from being elected. No, Berg is here fulfilling his oath to uphold the Constitution.

In addition to his defense of Constitutional integrity, Berg also says his purpose is to defend the integrity of his Party. Many people have given of their money and time in support of Party goals, which include “to restore accountability, honesty, and openness at all levels of government”, to “restore the Constitution and protect the civil rights and liberties of all Americans,” and to “uphold the Constitution.” Berg continues, “[t]o uphold the Constitution includes making sure that the candidate is eligible to serve as President pursuant to Article II, Section 1 of our United States Constitution and that such candidate runs a fair and legitimate campaign.”

As for the evidence, Berg investigation discovered Obama was born in Kenya. His father was a citizen of Kenya. His mother was 18 years old at the time. Even though a child born to a U.S. citizen could acquire natural born citizenship, his then 18-year-old mother did not meet U.S. law governing citizenship. Obama became a citizen of Kenya. He was schooled there under the name of Barry Hussein Soetoro, the name of his father Lolo Soetoro. His citizenship in Kenya was confirmed from school records.

Attorney Berg and Judge Surrick have proven that Constitutional Democracy in our Republic of states still works as intended by this nation’s Founders. Thank God.

Source: Berg v Obama, et. al., Civil Action No. 08-cv-04083 (E.D. Pen. Oct. 22, 2008).

Obama fishing for votes: the art of bait and switch October 11, 2008

Posted by Daniel Downs in Barak Obama, children, Democrats, family, health care, John McCain, Medicare/Medicaid, news, presidential election, Republicans, SCHIP, taxes, welfare.
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Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary gives a two-part definition of the phrase bait and switch:

    1 : a sales tactic in which a customer is attracted by the advertisement of a low-priced item but is then encouraged to buy a higher-priced one
    2 : the ploy of offering a person something desirable to gain favor (as political support) then thwarting expectations with something less desirable

Obama’s accusation that McCain’s health care plan is a bait and switch tactic is a classic example of part two. He claims McCain’s health care plan promises a $5,000 tax incentive to American families for the purchase of any health care coverage of their choice while at the same time taxing American consumers health care coverage.

Obama’s accurate depiction of a bait and switch scheme is impressive. However, he fails the honesty test when he claims McCain would tax individual Americans purchases of health care coverage. Obama tries to deceive America by suggesting that the money raised under McCain’s plan would be given directly to insurance companies as a tax increase. But, after reading McCain online counter argument, it appears McCain proposes to redirect current income taxes of individuals and families to help pay for their health care. Redirecting current income taxes payments for health insurance is not applicable to the uninsured. That is why McCain also proposes a non-profit state-based program to fund adequate health care for the uninsured. Such a plan conforms to the Constitution’s ideal of state republicanism as opposed to national welfare socialism.

Underlying Obama’s health care plan is the typical ploy of liberals: Whatever they accuse their opponents of is usually what they are guilty of themselves. This is no less true of his plan for universal health care. He preaches help for the middle class just as liberals before him did for the poor. While helping the poor into welfare dependency, liberals increased federal power over both the states and the lives of the poor. Maybe that is why many poor Americans refuse to deal with the socialist welfare system including applying for the States Children Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) or other Medicare programs.

What Obama does tell the middle class is that much of his health care plan is based on ferociously non-bipartisan Democrats plan for SCHIP, which was originally a Republican program to help low-income parents provide adequate health care for their children. As all other welfare programs, it did not end up just helping poor children, but also adults and even middle-income wage earners. That is why Democrats want Obama in office. They need a liberal in office in order to make the middle class welfare dependents too.

How Democrats propose to pay for SCHIP is by greatly increasing taxes on tobacco. Studies by the Center for Disease Control reveal that a majority of tobacco users are among the low-income population.

I hope that you can see where I’m going with this. The Obama-Democrat Party plan is an even better at bait and switch than McCain. By comparison, McCain really has failed in his purported bait and switch efforts. Unlike McCain’s plan, Obama’s will lead to taxing the poor to pay for the children of middle-income families’ health care. Should most of the poor quit buying cigarettes and other tobacco products the federal government would have to raise Medicare taxes on all workers in order to pay for the additional SCHIP deficits.

The only reasonable conclusion is Obama and his liberal supporters have increasing the power of government and its benefactors over the American people in view. It may not be good for freedom and independence, but as CNN and WTOP reports claim, it would be cheaper than McCain’s plan at least in the short term. A WTOP report claims taxes under McCain would be several hundred dollars greater than under Obama for a family of four with an annual income of $100,000. Yet, that same family would get about $2,000 in tax refund applicable to health care coverage under McCain’s plan. CNN reports that the total annual costs of Obama’s health care plan would be $65 billion per year and McCain’s $360,000 billion. But again, once the federal government has to pay for all of SCHIP and most of the middle class health care, the annual costs would likely exceed those of the McCain plan.

I said most of the middle class would eventually be covered by federal health care because Medicare would be cheaper than private provider plans. That might even be the case with a more efficient and competitive health care market. As Wal-Mart put many local family retailers, a big federal insurance program would eventually put individual health care providers out of the capitalism business. Just as Wal-Mart offered products that were cheaper but not better, federal health care would not be better or more convenient, which has been proven by other nations with universal health care. Knowing how much more the federal government often pays for products and services it’s conceivable that government-run health care would eventually cost more than before.

The cost not calculable in dollars is the additional loss independence and freedom both of individuals and their states.


Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary Online

Southern Ledger October 4, 2008

John McCain’s Campaign Website

CNN News April 29, 2008

WTOP News September 16, 2008

Political Scientist’s Advice to McCain and Palin October 7, 2008

Posted by Daniel Downs in Barak Obama, foreign policy, Iran, Islam, Israel, Joe Biden, John McCain, Middle East, news, politics, presidential election, Sarah Palin, terrorism, war.
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Senator John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin may lose the November election unless they speak like real mavericks and distinguish their political positions more sharply from those of their mediocre opponents. They are trailing in the polls for several reasons. The most decisive reason is their own mediocre performance. They are preoccupied too much with bread-and-butter issues on which they cannot score many points. Most significant, however, is their avoidance of the paramount issue confronting America, an issue that transcends the present economic crisis but which can arouse and inspire most Americans.

America is at war. To win this war we need to understand ourselves as well as the enemy. This is a two-fold task that McCain and Palin have failed to address in a serious way.

The enemy is not Islamic extremists that have hijacked Islam. Brave women such as Dr. Wafa Sultan, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and Brigitte Gabriel, born and raised respectively in Syria, Somalia, and Lebanon, have shown that the enemy is simply Islam, a bellicose religion whose disciples have slaughtered 270 million “infidels” since the time of Muhammad.

Without mentioning this horrible fact, it needs to said that the principle of Jihad or murderous hatred of non-Muslims is diametrically opposed to the principles of the American Declaration of Independence, for example: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Of the many issues that need to be clarified in the campaign, none is more crucial that Iran. No one should underestimate the dangerous ambition of Iran, a nation of 70 million people whose mullahs are driven by a 1,400-year tradition of Islamic imperialism. Here are some facts that McCain and Palin need to convey:

1. It is not enough to say, as Senators Obama and Biden say, that a nuclear-armed Iran would constitute a grave threat to Israel’s existence. Iran has more than 1,000 Shahib missiles, which can reach not only all of Israel but also all of Europe. In this era of weapons of mass killing, no country, let alone minuscule Israel, can afford to absorb a first nuclear strike. One nuclear-tipped missile would be enough to terminate the Jewish state, which means another Holocaust. (It should be pointed out that Iran’s a population of 70 million is ten times that of Israel. And whereas Iran’s area is 629,000 square miles, Israel’s, including Judea and Samaria, is only 8,257 square miles.)

2. Preemption or anticipatory self-defense is a moral and military necessity justified by international law, whose first principle is national self-preservation. For Senator Biden to renounce preemption for “prevention” indicates that he is not living in the real world and that he does not understand the nature of the enemy.

3. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has threatened to wipe Israel off the map—an old threat in the Middle East. Israel has been erased from Egypt’s tourist maps as well as from the maps of the PLO-Palestinian Authority for many decades! Ahmadinejad has added the United States to this genocidal mania by proclaiming “death to America,”

4. These threats violate the UN Charter and international law. McCain and Palin should make this crystal clear. In perhaps less than one year, Ahmadinejad’s threat to wipe Israel off the map may be followed by his adopting Obama’s slogan, “YES WE CAN.”

5. Armed with nuclear weapons, Iran would dominate the Middle East. The combination of Iran’s long-range missiles and Iranian control of Persian Gulf oil would cow Europe. Without Europe, America’s economy would utterly collapse. The Iranian threat, pooh-poohed by Obama, should be asserted by McCain.

6. To speak of negotiating with Iran—to come hat in hand to Ahmadinejad—without preconditions is inane if not insane. You do not negotiate with despots committed to your destruction. What would there be to negotiate about? The date of your destruction? Do Senators Obama and Biden seriously believe that Iran, with its Hiz-b-allah proxies in Lebanon and Gaza and sleeper cells in the United States will forego its religiously animated global ambitions for potage? But if a precondition is to be specified, how about Ahmadinejad’s public renunciation of Jihad, which makes genuine and abiding peace impossible?

To conclude: Ahmadinejad is not a Johnnie-come-lately politician. He is not a liberal or a humanitarian. He is supported by mullahs who, in Iran’s war with Iraq during the 1980s, saw nothing wrong with sending thousands of Iranian children to explode minefields to facilitate the forward movement of Iranian soldiers. We are dealing with an enemy that has no respect for human life, even of its own people.

This should be made clear by McCain and Palin. They should say, “Just as we would refuse to sit down and negotiate with Hitler, so we refuse to hobnob with his successor in Tehran, who denies the Holocaust but promises another.”

By Prof. Paul Eidelberg, President of the Foundation for Constitutional Democracy.