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A New Victim of Gay Sexual Politics, Evangelical Lutheran Church August 22, 2009

Posted by Daniel Downs in Bible, church, culture war, faith, gay politics, immorality, Jesus Christ, moral law, news, politics, religion, secularism, sex, tolerance.
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The Washington Times recently reported that a majority of leaders in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America recently voted to change church law to permit non-celibate gays into the sacred office of the clergy. At the same time, a majority of church leaders changed denominational law to recognize same-sex common law marriage (but by other terminology).

According to the report, “The resolution on clergy, easily the most controversial, passed by 559 ‘yes’ votes (55.3 percent) to 451 ‘no’ votes (44.6 percent). It committed the ELCA to open its clergy ranks to people in “publicly accountable, lifelong, monogamous, same-gender relationships.”

The vote allowing congregations to ‘”recognize, support and hold publicly accountable life-long, monogamous, same-gender relationships,” passed by 619 ‘yes’ (60.6 percent) to 402 ‘no’ votes (39.3 percent) was less controversial than allowing non-celibate gays to represent the church and Christ.

The report noted two responses these developments: Those who believe it will result in many people leaving the church and those who believe it will result in significant church growth. One member of the Metropolitan New York Synod said her gays were the reason her congregation was growing. Leaders of representing most American and foreign synods voiced strong disapproval of these decisions because of their opposition to the teaching of the church.

As with other mainline denominations, the democratic politics and secularly defined social relevance appears to be the most important factors in these decisions.

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in American cannot be charge with religious fundamentalism. They have tossed the fundamentals out. The most important fundamental is abiding under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. As recorded in the book of Revelation, the risen Christ told the churches in Asia Minor that he hated the sexually immoral politics and practices that were being spread by the Nicolaitans and Jezebel, who was likely one of their leaders in Thyatira. Like the Laodiceans, they can only be charged with being faithful secular fundamentalists.

The still popular song lyric sung by Jackie DeShannon expresses the religious sentiment of modern sexual politics, “all we need now is love … sweet [tolerant] love” not holiness and truth.

The problem with all of this is not whether the church will grow, or split, or gain social relevance. After this testing of faithfulness, the problem will be when and how the Lord will come and fight against the immoral and their supporters. As Christ promised the Pergamum church, he will come and fight against them with the sword of His mouth. If that means anything like his warning to the unrepenting Jezebel, they and their loving supporters will receive the same judgment that the members of the tolerantly immoral cities of Sodom and Gomorrah received.

Those who do not like a God who actually judges and punishes moral crime (sin, immortality) hate the rule of law and especially moral law.


Congressional Democrats Attempts to Legalize Gay Pedophilia April 29, 2009

Posted by Daniel Downs in Democrats, discrimination, freedom, gay politics, God, hate crime, immorality, law, morality, news, politics, religion, science, secularism, sex.

Yesterday, The Catholic League reported:

“The House of Representatives will vote this week, possibly tomorrow, on a hate crimes bill championed by gay groups that includes pedophiles under the rubric of sexual orientation. This is the ultimate confession: liberal Democrats think of pedophiles as indistinguishable from homosexuals.

It should be noted that the Hate Crime bill does not protect gays. Criminal law already exists for that purpose. The legislation is a discrimination bill against all other citizens because it creates special laws sanctioning unlawful behavior. Congress and courts cannot make immoral behavior a right or legal. Any such law or decision is a crime. It is a crime against nature, human morality, and therefore the public welfare.

The Catholic League further reported:

“When this subject came up last week in the House Judiciary Committee, an amendment to the hate crimes bill that would have excluded pedophilia from the definition of sexual orientation was defeated by Democrats along party lines, 13-10. This was considered good news by gay organizations like the Human Rights Campaign, left-wing groups like the ACLU and various Jewish groups like the ADL.

“The debate is over: for liberals, child molesters should be given the same rights as homosexuals. Moreover, they should be given more rights than pregnant women and veterans; the latter two categories were explicitly denied coverage under the hate crimes bill. Even worse, an amendment that would bar prosecution based in whole or in part on religious beliefs quoted from the Bible, the Tanakh (Judaism’s sacred book) or the Koran was defeated by Democrats along party lines, 11-8. In other words, religious speech may be denied First Amendment protection.

It is evident from the above that Democrat lawmakers are not die-hard egalitarian liberals. They faithful members of secular fundamentalism. Secularism is the apposite of religion. Humanism, the value system of secularism, values the god of evolution science. It is stated in their statements of faith i.e., Humanist Manifesto (reminiscent of the political manifestos of communism). Thus, they discriminate against all others by forcing their public and private beliefs and values upon all others.

The elimination of public religion and its more influence in society and law has been goal of secularists since the last half of the 19th century. From the 1930s on, they began attracting an increasing number of disciples. Once public education was secularized, faithful adherents in public office made public schools one of its holy sanctuaries. Those called into the media rose to the status of priests and prophets.

Sexologists must be feeling a sense of accomplishment upon hearing Congressional Democrats attempting to pass a bill that will further mainstream sexual immorality of gays. What must be even more titillating to them is the proclamation of those sacrosanct politicians that the poor down-trodden pedophiles must become equal members of gay America.

All Americans are now supposed praise the powers of high (or drugs) and believe that child molesting gays are born-again members of the genetically predetermined lifestyle.

Moreover, the intended result of the high council’s inspiration is a widening of the already inclusive definition of gaydom, which is to include bi-sexuals, homosexuals, lesbians, animal lovers, transvestites, and child molesters. Oddly enough, this new and egalitarian improved version was the same one that was offered by Indiana U professor and all-inclusive gay practitioner Dr. Albert Mackenzie. It was the summary definition of his two research volumes on human sex. All of its glory and perversity was given the modern egalitarian brush of normalcy.

By the way, out of his wildly imaginative sex research was born sex education.

His large sex research was rife with many perverse hallelujahs of sex practitioners some who were already in prison and others the FBI want to put their; but Mackenzie and his gay associates refused to cooperate.

What is outrageous about his research was that the federal courts, legislatures, and society-at-large uncritically believed the creatively interpreted data. It proved how ready they were to believe any pseudo-scientific word.

Let’s face it. Americans are among the most religious people in the world. They will believe just about any thing. That is what the sexual politics is all about. It is what secularism is all about. It is what American freedom was all about too. Apparently, the many years of secular preaching about the righteousness of liberation from religious-based morality has born a generation of true believers.

Am I really a moron? If you sexting, if you have babies outside of marriage, if you have to have sex no matter who or what, if divorce is the easy way out, if you believe abortion is legal or okay, if evolution is truth, or if God and religion is absolute taboo, then you are a faithful member of secular fundamentalism.

Somewhere in the Bible it says something like demons believe too, but they have sense enough to tremble.


The author of this post is not a Catholic but respects their faith and supports their good work in our imploding Western culture.

IPAS Most Liberal States in America December 14, 2007

Posted by Daniel Downs in abortion, children, civil rights, Constitution, discrimination, family, freedom, gay politics, health care, human rights, lawlessness, liberalism, marriage, morality, nature, news, parental rights, politics, religion, right to life, secularism, sex, youth.


New Mexico is the most liberal state in America based mostly on their laws pertaining to homosexuality and abortion. Following New Mexico in the top 10 most liberal states are Washington, New York, New Jersey, Hawaii, Vermont, California, New Hampshire, District of Columbia, Oregon. (more…)

Revealing Headlines On the Real State of America November 18, 2007

Posted by Daniel Downs in Chrisitanity, church, civil rights, Constitution, discrimination, disnformation, gay politics, lawlessness, liberalism, news, religion, sex, tolerance, violence.
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The following are a few headlines with links and commentary revealing the true state of America.

Homosexual activists terrorize Boston church during ex-Gay conference while police watch.

The main focus of the conference was about how gays may come out of the gay lifestyle through a relationship with God. The near riotous, loud and disruptive protest was waged against perceived hate–at least that was what thy chanted and some of their poster claimed.
The event reminds me of the biblical account of Sodom and Gomorrah recorded in Genesis chapters 18 and 19. The only real difference between the ancient and current event was the intended outcome of the attack. The gays intended to do sexual violence against the two holy men of God visiting Sodom and gay in Boston intended to do violence to stop they contrary judgments of men with the Baptist church. Apparently gays cannot accept the idea of criticism or judgment. Yet, we are supposed to believe that such is an act of hate. We are supposed to accept laws forbidding such as hateful discrimination. (more…)

Why is Congress trying to supply the world with contraceptives? June 15, 2007

Posted by Daniel Downs in abortion, economics, family, foreign policy, freedom, globalism, law, news, politics, sex, wealth.

Did American voters elect congressional democrats to spend millions of dollars on contraceptives for foreign peoples? Apparently, House Democrats think they did. According to the Catholic Families and Human Rights Institute (C-Fam), US House Appropriation Committee approved a new foreign aid bill that will give millions of condoms to NGOs for family planning. Because condoms will be given to NGOs known to promote abortion, C-Fam regards the intended policy as an “in-kind” support of abortion. This change not only reflects the Carnahan bill but is also undermines foreign aid restrictions. (more…)

Daily News Proves Puritans Were Right May 14, 2007

Posted by Daniel Downs in abortion, American history, Constitution, covenant, crime, Declaration of Independence, Democrats, faith, family, freedom, God, humanism, law, liberalism, morality, nature, news, politics, religion, sex, socialism, truth.

News reporters and journalists are doing Americans a great service. Every day they report on murder, armed robbery, war, domestic violence, terrorism in school or around the world, rape, incest, drug addiction, high school teachers having affairs with students, corporate embezzlement, racketeering, devastating diseases caused intentionally by corporate profiteering, money embezzled from non-profits, elderly ripped off, government corruption, political scandals, and on and on. Whether they realized it or not, news reporters every day of their professional lives preach to America that the Puritans were right. (more…)

Does The Libertarian Left Legislate Morality? March 13, 2007

Posted by Daniel Downs in Constitution, law, Libertarian, morality, politics, religion, sex, Ten Commandments.
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“The Left are libertarian in that they do not seek to legislate morality.” That was an interesting response to a recent post entitled A Vote For National Morality in 2008. The million dollar question is whether it is true or not; does libertarians-cultural left-legislate morality? (more…)