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The State of No Child Left Behind’s Progress February 29, 2008

Posted by Daniel Downs in demographics, education, law, legislation, news, No Child Left Behind (NCLB), politics, research, welfare state.

The ambitious goal of Capitol Hill is to close the learning gap, eliminate dropouts, produce Americans with knowledge and skills enabling them to compete in a global high tech economy, and ensure all students achieve proficiency in key subjects like reading, science, and math. These are the same goals the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) promised to achieve beginning in 1965.

The ESEA was built on a prior tax enhancement program for schools where federal facilities lowered taxes revenues. ESEA expanded that federal aid program to include a number new enhancement programs (breakfast, special education, etc.) to help student from poor families.

The latest version of ESEA is No Child Left Behind (NCLB). This version attaches student and teacher achievement goals to program funding. The goals to be achieved are still those mentioned above. Under Pres. Bush, the bar of accountability was raised rankling many professional educators and educational associations.

The purpose of the charts and graphs that follow is to give us an idea of how NCLB is doing. The first chart presents the total number schools in the United States, how many schools are meeting yearly goals, how many need improvement, and how many must be closed or restructured. The latter schools have failed to achieve year goals more than 3 years. (more…)

Analysis of the Iowa Caucus: Winners May Be Losers January 4, 2008

Posted by Daniel Downs in Barak Obama, conservative, Democrats, demographics, health care, Hillary Clinton, illegal immigrants, Income, Iowa caucus, Iraq, John Edwards, John McCain, marriage, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, news, political campaigns, political economy, politics, polls, religion, Republicans, Ron Paul, Rudy Giuliani, terrorism, war.
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Mike Huckabee is all blue as he leaves Iowa. He moves on having won the caucus race. Voters were probably turning blue as they stood out in the cold to vote on 3 January. Nevertheless, they were blue mostly for Huckabee; 34% voted for Huckabee, 25% for Mitt Romney, 13% for identical twins Fred Thompson and John McCain, and 10% for Ron Paul. (more…)

Podunks Most Liberal Cities December 14, 2007

Posted by Daniel Downs in cities, demographics, liberals, news, politics.
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